Wow has it been a busy few weeks! And a bit of neglect to the blog goes along with that… whoops! So I would like to give you a preview of what I’m working on and what’s been going on in my world lately.

My only sister lives all the way across the country which unfortunately means we only get to see her a few times a year – one vote for cheaper airfare – and this year she is pregnant with the family’s first baby!! Super exciting, but the best part is we actually managed to get her to come out here for a visit! We would have all been pretty upset if we didn’t get to see her cute little belly! So I’ve been working hard to throw a baby shower/family get together at my house, which was so much fun! And made sure to get some good photos of her before she left. That was an absolute MUST of course 🙂 So here is just a small peek at a few of those photos. Isn’t she an adorable pregnant woman??

Now, since I had to work all week, she was spending most of the time at my parents house in Williamsburg. So Friday after worked I rushed down there so we could all spend a little more time together before she had to leave. I feel so lucky to have a family that actually wants to spend time together 😉


So now I am back at home trying to catch up on work and she safely made the flight back to Spokane. Next time I see her I will also get to meet my Niece! Can’t wait!!DSC_6486web

Thanks for reading my post! If you would like to hire me as your photographer, please contact me!  Or just leave a comment below and let me know what you think. I would love to hear from you! 🙂

And stay up to date with what I’m doing on facebook, instagram, twitter and pinterest as well.