May 5th – May 11th is Project Life 365 week 19! This week is an eclectic one for sure 🙂 I also want to take a moment to refresh you all on what this photo a day project is about. I’ve had lots of people lately tell me that they love seeing the photos I post each day, but want to know why I am hash-tagging a random word. These words are given to me by Project Life 365, they have a website, facebook page, and I get the list through email. Every day we have a new inspiration word to use for our photo of the day! Then we post on instagram, twitter, facebook. It’s a fun little community – well not so little I guess, there are people from all over the world doing it – and I love looking at what people come up with each day. Some are insanely creative all of the time and it really keeps the juices flowing in your brain. It’s been a bit hard to keep up with since I do work full time – an part-time for myself. So sometimes like right now my weekly blog posts are a little behind. But I’m loving it and plan to make it all the way to 365! If you want to read a bit more of my thoughts on the project – check out the first blog post HERE.
Day 125: #sign_of_the_times. This is a silly story. Ben found a terrible polyester hamburger and french fry shirt at Walmart and bought it just for laughs about a year ago. He hasn’t worn it until now. When we went out for Cinco de Mayo. Surprisingly, he was greeted at the door by very thrilled passerby’s who couldn’t resist loving this insane, ugly shirt (I made it black and white to minimize the ugly, lol) Anyway, I feel it could be a sign of the times that Americans are so obsessed with junk food that we now decorate our clothing as a shrine to the greasy.
Day 126: #excess. I got a Groupon for these beautiful and delicious Carytown Cupcakes. Sometimes a little excess isn’t so bad 🙂
Day 127: #mysterious. I love owls. They can be pretty mysterious. This little guy holds some good smelling beads. And his creepy blank eyes make him very mysterious.
Day 128: #fiction. I am in love with this tree! It is made of stainless steel and stands at the national gallery in DC. Life sized and awesome.
Day 129: #what_is_it. Do you know?
Day 130: #where_I_stood. This was also in DC. Coming out of the metro as I was on the escalator, I just had to snap a photo of this lovely architecture.
Day 131: #9_to_5. This is where I spend most of my hours. Just behind those satellite dishes I look at at least twice a day.
If you would like to follow along, I’m posting these daily on facebook, twitter and instagram. And of course here each week!
Thank you for reading 🙂